weird2.wav weird1.wav NiceBaseDrum HANDCLP1.WAV HHCD0.WAV HHCD4.WAV HANDCLP2.WAV HHCD8.WAV hort: Noyz Phaktah '005 - I'm ploader: (No uthor: Hotcakes ype: mods/misc/ =(np_initm.nfo)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___ __ _______ /__//_/ _) _ \_ / / / / / / /___/ /___ /____/ / _______ _______ _______ _) _ \_) / \_) _ \_ / / / / / / / / / / _ / _ / / _____/___/ /___/ /___ /___/ /____/ /____/ / - t h e y j =[ release '005 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= elease: '005 - cow goes 'moooog' ong : "I'm Not In The Moog!" by [ 03.01 / 176bpm / 834kB ormat : OctaMED SoundStudio V1 (M his is what happens when I get to urn your volume UP for this one ( esponsibility for the damage of y ould suspect =] This sort of tune ust -had- to turn that Boulderdas nto a bassline! amples come from a Moog Rogue and rom... who knows! I sampled it ife of me, but it's the best damn verything =] an't hear it? Well try DeliTrack he provided player (OctaMEDPlayer an't go past the OctaMEDPlayer v7 hat plays 'em right! =[ news! ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ext time in the Noiz distribution tylee remix of Star 69 happenning emix compo and Star 69 was the tu ourself a copy of Halfway Between eople!), aquaint yourself with th ext release to hear what the mast =[ members ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= otcakes.......[ organiser, music ilkworm..................[ music ioneer...................[ music idnight flip.............[ music uiklite..................[ music pawn.....................[ ascii the door is always open for top n ranks. Email us for more info : =[ contact - email hotcakes : tzu istribution : ftp mail : mailto tzuyd@crossw all th =[ credits ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fo file by hotcakes, borrowed fro ono, who borrowed it from kfmf. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=